Most Common Food Allergies – An Overview
Some people live to eat and others eat to live. For food lovers, traveling around the world and tasting different cuisines is their mantra. However, the love of food can be greatly damaged by food allergies. There are so many common food allergies that are having a negative effect on the diet and health of millions of people. Listed below are few of the most common food allergies and the ways they are triggered.
Egg allergy is a common type of food allergy found in many people. Egg protein is often used in vaccine shots hence getting such vaccinations can also be a cause of triggering the allergy. The consumption of foamy products and pasta should be avoided by a person with egg allergy as it is often used as a stabilizer in the preparation of such products.
People suffering from celiac disease are highly sensitive to wheat. Consumption of even a small amount of wheat by them can lead to adverse reactions. Apart from celiac, there are some other plain wheat allergies as well. Completely eliminating wheat from one’s life is a difficult process as it used as a stabilizer in almost everything such as soups and meats.
Fish allergy is another common type of food allergy. The use of fish and related products can trigger some serious reactions in an individual’s body. People with this kind of allergy have to avoid numerous items like imitation crab meat and Caesar salad dressings etc.
Tree Nuts
Tree nuts can be found in a number of food items that we consume daily like barbecue sauces, ice creams, cereals etc. The consumption of food items with tree nuts can result in serious allergy attacks to the sufferer.
People suffering from milk allergy have to let go a number of products that have an element of milk in them such as butter, ice cream, cheese, and custards etc. Consumption of milk in a person with milk allergy can cause pain in their digestive system. It is basically an enzymatic problem in which the lactase is unable to split the milk protein lactose in galactose and glucose.
Peanuts are often considered as nuts whereas they belong to the legumes group. The attack of peanut allergy is so severe that it evoke some serious reaction to the sufferer even if another person in the same room is eating peanuts. The use of peanuts contained items is hard to avoid as they are found in many of our daily use items like frying oils, pastries, mixed nuts etc.
If you are not sure about what is triggering the allergic reaction in your body, there are different tests that you can undergo that will help in determining the cause of the reaction. Finding a suitable treatment for any kind of allergy holds a lot of importance as they can have a serious impact on your health, immunity system and stress level.
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